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My Right-Hand Rings

I’ve been wearing a ring on the ring finger of my right hand almost every day for the past few months. It seems that I’ve been on a ring kick, and there’s definitely a theme to my selections. I can’t get enough of inexpensive sterling silver rings, and I’ve gotten quite a few for recent holidays/birthdays/anniversaries. Here are the ones that I’ve been favoring lately.

This aquamarine and sterling silver ring was a (self-selected – ha!) anniversary gift. I love its antique look, and I’ve gotten lots of compliments on it. And since it happens to be my birthstone, it was extra special. I purchased it from Amazon.


Most “continuous” stone bands that I’ve seen aren’t actually continuous at all. There is usually a plain metal strip that’s meant to be hidden at the back. That’s why I love this shell ring – the inset shell pieces actually wrap all the way around the band. I purchased it from Amazon, too, but it’s out of stock.


I love this ring’s simple, clean design. But what I love most of all is that it’s subtly engraved with one of my favorite passages. You can purchase it here.


This ring was a Las Vegas trip purchase (from Shemoni at the Miracle Mile Shops). The stone is actually set into a lid that opens (see inset photo). I’ve always loved “poison” or locket rings – it’s jewelry and a toy to play with. 🙂

Just as a side note, I wasn’t paid or “comped” to feature these rings (or any other pieces that I’ve included on this blog, for that matter). They’re rings that have been purchased for my own jewelry wardrobe and that I wanted to use for this little “show and tell.”

Do you wear a right-hand ring? What does it look like and why is it special? Do tell (and show).

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